Women Health (Menstrual Health Education, Sexual Reproductive Health health)

Being aware, comfortable and knowledgeable about their body, starting a critical thought process around health related myths and social norms. Knowing basic hygiene practices and understanding reproductive health and contraception.

Children Health and Hygiene

In our hygiene program, we are teaching teachers and children, and parents about the various aspects of hygiene, such as washing hands, proper toilets use and waste management.
The program aims to improve hygiene in schools, if children are less likely to be ill, they are more likely to complete their education. Also, when there are no separate toilets, most girls quit or miss schools when they are starting menstruating.

Become a Volunteer

Volunteers are a valuable resource to support the Communities. Our primary mission is to support Woman and Children development in planning, coordinating, advocating and effective activities to initiate a stronger development communities.